As we wrap up each season, we like to take a look back at the lessons we’ve learned along the way.
Normally, this wrap-up looks like comparing data in charts and tables, but 2022 has been a year unlike anything we’ve seen before, so we figured we’d have some fun with the wrap up.
So let’s get our Spotify on and look at 2022 Wrapped – and the lessons we learned along the way
Favorite Set: PowderMet2022
We had a blast with a lot of stages this year, but PowderMet stole our hometown hearts with its colorful tribute to all things Portland.
This stage taught us that there really is no place like home … and that everything is more fun with neon lights.

Ahh, Portland
Standout Venue: Oregon Convention Center
2022 saw huge changes for this spot, including a major shift in the way they approach AV.
That would have been enough to shake pretty much any team, but the OCC taught us how to embody “the show must go on.” They happily worked hand in hand with every incoming team to put on the best event possible, every time.
Also, it’s pretty.

We’re down with OCC!
Best Breakout Room: PuppyPalooza at Infocon2022
Talk about a breakout moment in Breakouts! Nashville is normally a laid back vibe, but the attendees absolutely lost all sense of chill over these dogs and we loved watching it happen.
This out-of-the-box Breakout taught us the value of unconventional approaches. The “Information in Motion” theme found its unexpected champion in a little dog that looked like you asked a 3rd grader to make a lamb out of cotton balls.
With this guy serving as the ultimate ice breaker, we saw ideas, enthusiasm, and connection… and boops.

The real MVP.
Most Liked Image: Behind The Scenes at Indycar
Turns out, you enjoy these sneak peeks as much as we do! This image out performed everything else we shared on multiple social media channels.
Your likes and engagement taught us that you’re all nosy. Just kidding … kind of. We learned that our audience is curious about how we make our magic and that when we cater to that curiosity, we get great results.

Behind the scenes
Most Popular Blog Post: Spotlight on Laurel
So yeah, you’re all nosy. And we love that about you.
The popularity of that post surprised us all at the time, but probably Laurel most of all. It makes sense, though. Laurel is out here successfully running an event production company when she doesn’t have a background in event production – and leaning into that lack of experience as a strength!
This year has been full of epic moments in event production, but there are a few that stand out. If you’ve ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at some of the largest shows around?
Here’s your chance to get the scoop! These are our 2022 Most Epic Moments In Eventing.
“This Can’t Be Real” : Hiring Off The Street
Everyone has heard about labor shortages and how they impact everything we do in pretty much every industry.
This year we saw something that absolutely drove home how bad these shortages were. At a large-scale production that took multiple crews from companies around the country to pull off, one team found itself so under-staffed at the last minute that they were forced to approach strangers in the street and ask for help.
They got it done, and attendees had absolutely no idea anything unusual happened, but for others onsite it was a harsh and undeniable reminder that 2022, as a year, demanded flexibility, tenacity, and an ability to think on our feet in ways we have never had to before.
Rethinking how we approach 2023 is a must.
“Houston, We Have A Problem” : The Hydraulic Lift Incident
One of the coolest things about larger convention centers is that they often have banquet halls as well as larger open gallery spaces. Those open spaces are a big, beautiful, blank slate.
When we say big, we mean BIIIIIG.
The ceilings in these rooms are much too high for ladders, so we use hydraulic lifts to get our crew and gear where they need to be. These can typically lift us from 20 – 120 feet in the air as we work.
Grindy-splashy sounds are rarely good news, but we can now tell you from experience that they feel extra super not-good when they’re coming from underneath you while you’re up in a hydraulic lift.
We can also tell you that being stuck in a hydraulic lift that’s “sprung a bit of a leak” when you’ve got deadlines to meet (and maybe a nervous bladder) is zero percent fun.
We can ALSO also tell you that the crews who maintain these machines are lightning quick, excellent at what they do, and that the view from all the way up there is kinda nice!
“A Great Story And Some Meat”: Happy Thanksgiving!
Things change at the last minute all the time; rolling with it is kind of what we do. This year, we thought we would all have Thanksgiving off, but a show came in the week before! Pulling off a show for 1500 in a week is a big challenge – but we did it and it ended up being one of our favorite shows of the year.
The lighting made a powerful color statement. The attendees were full of personality. We overcame some unique challenges that let us think outside the box and jam out with one of the most popular bands from the Middle-East!
And then we all went out for steak.
We spent Thanksgiving day together, in a city away from home, immersed in another culture helping 1500 students make moves for their future. And we did it with a weeks notice. This was a show we’ll talk about for a long time.
When we asked Laurel what she would take away from the experience she had the best answer:
“A great story and some meat”